My Mom's Kitchen Table Wisdom ~ Healthy Family Healthy Home

It was so amazing to me! My Mom became so smart the older I became.   When I was a teenager I had no idea the wisdom that my Mother carried within.   She was always offering her healthy tips, and when I became a Mother myself, I really began to listen ...finally!  Can you relate?

My Mom's Kitchen Table Wisdom is a series of blog posts where I will share the wisdom on how to handle the boo-boos of life that my Mother shared with me at our Kitchen Table.   They have quite literally been lifesavers for my family, and I offer them to you with the joy that my Mother offered them to me.😊

First Up  ~ The power of the Salt of our earth home.

Whenever our family had a cold or a sore throat, my Mom would have us gargle with warm saltwater.    The warm salt water would soothe our sore-throats and offer relief.   Salt, in ancient times, was used as a disinfectant.

Viruses are believed to hang out in your throat for four days before they go into your respiratory tract.   So at the first sign of a cold or sore throat, my mom was making sure we were gargling our warm salt water morning, noon, and night.

With my family, I use this gargling practice just like my Momma had me do when I was growing up.  Today, along with gargling, I also have my children drink a cup of warm Himalayan, Celtic or Redmond salt when they don't feel well.  I do not use white table salt because it is bleached, and is lacking the essential minerals our bodies need like natural potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, and iodine which have been taken out in the bleaching process.

The warm cup of salt water helps to hydrate them (think about the iv drip that hospitals give you is a saline solution to help keep you hydrated)   The warm salt water also helps assist the flushing of toxins out of your system.  

I make sure that we continue to drink lots of good water because there are too many times that we can forget.  Our body is over 70% water so we need to keep our water levels up for a healthy body.

My Mom would remind me what Jesus said "to have salt in yourselves,"

Mark 9:50

"You are the salt of the earth"  Matthew 5:13

Feels true for me, and I am trusting my vibes on this one.  From our family's personal experience, I'm sticking to it!  What about you?  Do you have any wisdom from your Mom's or Grandmothers that worked in your family?  Please share below, and we can help each other in our world family...Yea!

From our Family to your Family ~ Sending you Love, Light, Peace and Joy Blessing!💖😊 Tracy

 ©️2020 Tracy Nicholas



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