My #1 Survival Preparedness Tip - Yes, Even Before Coffee :)

I Love, Love, Love the Magical and Powerful Ways that my intuition Helps me greet my day! Trusting my vibes is my #1 tool that supports me and helps me to be more prepared in all ways.

Understanding how to Trust Your Vibes, Your Intuition is, I believe, your number one survival doubt in all of my life's experience.

I grew up hearing the saying, "Always be prepared!" I never paid much attention unless I was on a big adventure like solving a neighborhood mystery in the spirit of Nancy Drew or Lois Lane. Our Heavenly Support Team understands that it takes people time to move into action, and I believe that they try to give you plenty of time to prepare in most instances. That is unless your Heavenly Support Team is trying to save you from walking in front of a moving bus, and it's not your time to have coffee in heaven. (Another crazy good adventure of mine that I will share soon).  


I know it's time to pay attention and that my vibes are preparing me for something that I would be meeting down the road. I would have an urge/feeling "from out of the blue" to take some inspired action with no proof, only listening to my vibes, intuitive feelings, hunch, or gut feelings.


This year at Christmas, I had the urge to buy solar and hand-crank radios for everyone in my family and survival heater blankets for their stockings. I had no proof of what was coming on the horizon; however, my intuition guided me to these purchases, and I did not question my gut feelings as I moved into action to provide these items for my family. I did not know why I was buying them, and I just knew that I needed to move into action and make these purchases for my family.   


Not until a month and a half later, on February 10, 2021, I fully understood why my intuition guided me to these specific purchases. The weather in Texas usually is mild in the winter. However, in early February 2021, the weather took a turn for the worst. Texans found themselves experiencing a deep freeze that was one of the worst winter storms that part of the country had ever experienced. Millions of people, many of whom were unprepared for the following days of freezing temperatures, frozen and bursting water pipes, rolling electrical blackouts, and all that goes with this time of challenge.  


Today, I know why my intuition guided me to make the purchases. I am so grateful for my intuition's guidance and the blessings of listening, trusting my vibes, and moving into action.


Now, I understood how my intuition, my vibes were guiding me to help my daughter out as she was living in Texas during this deep winter freeze that is so unusual for this part of the country. The hand-crank solar-powered radio was also a flashlight; she could charge her cell phone if needed and listen to local stations for updates. The survival blanket could help one keep warm during the freezing, cold weather, act as a rain/snow jacket, help someone in need, or she could signal for help, among many other uses that I am sure are yet to be discovered.     


In the spirit of helping each other, "Always be prepared," I am sharing our family starter list that I have gathered to help my family. I am sharing the beginning of a list that I will be updating as I discover new ways to help. I invite you to add your ideas from your family's experience and suggestions so we can help one another. "Always be prepared." 😊


Ways to Prepare for Your Family in Case of an Emergency


  1. Trust Your Vibes! I am a cheerleader of always listening to your intuition and trusting your vibes! If you need support in listening to your intuition, I recommend beginning with the book by my teacher Sonia Choquette, "Trust Your Vibes." It is the essential part of my survival preparedness skills that I will continually pay attention to for the rest of my life. Trusting my vibes has saved my life in many situations and helped to make my life flow smoother and with great understanding. If you have a strong intuition and trust your vibes with clarity and inspired action, you will weather any weather challenges that life brings your way.
  • Remember to always check in with your vibes and intuition. This list is suggestions only, and some of them may not resonate with you or what would serve your family.  Chose what speaks to your heart as true for you, and we invite you to add additional tips that you have that supports your family in the comments below so that we can add them to the list and help one another.  You do you!  It's about trusting your vibes!

 2.   Water - have enough water for your family and your animals for several days. In addition, make sure you keep yourself filled with the divine water of our creator daily and moment to moment in your free-will choice.  Rest assured that you always have support when you choose to create a practice of staying connected and trusting your vibes, inner guidance, also known as the living water.  

You can put water in bottles and add a drop of bleach, a tablespoon of colloidal silver, or two drops of choline dioxide (a water purifier) to keep the mold from growing also store it out of the light. If you have a swimming pool, you can also purify the water from your swimming pool to drink. You can purify water with iodine. If you are using liquid iodine, add 5 to 10 drops via an eyedropper to every one liter (or 20-40 drops per gallon) of water. Shake up the water and let sit. The water may have an orange tint that will dissipate over time.  It is also a good idea to have a water pitcher with a filter on hand.


3. Protein Powder to help with good nutrition and protein requirements.


4.  Rice for meals, and you can boil for Rice milk.  

5. Canned Tuna. 

6.  Canned Chicken  

7.  Lemon Juice

8.  Good Oils (olive, avocado, coconut, sesame, and clarified ghee from butter have a great shelf life.

9.  Rice Cake

10.  Saurakraut  

11.  Raw Organic Honey

12.  Seaweed/Nori 

13.  Potatoes, pumpkins, butternut squash, onions, garlic

          Modern Root Cellar (store in the darkness in a cardboard box & 

          will last for months , Peanut, Almond, Sunflower Butter

14.  Freeze Dried Coffee.

15.  Dried Bone Broth  

16. Good Salt - Himalayan Salt, Celtic

 17.  Canned Tomatoes

18.  Powdered Milk, Regular & Goat Milk

19. Egg Protein powder Egg Whites

20. Nutritional Yeast - used as cheese has B-vitamins.

21. vegan cheese

22. Sunflower seeds

23. Almonds

24.  flax seed

25.  Chia seeds. Can make chia seed pudding. Also, you can add with psyllium husks and grind up or not and cook in the oven for crisp, cracker bread.

26.  Cashews. Can make a cashew cheese

27.  Packets of bread mix. You can whip up some delicious pancakes for kids. You can use milk, water, or milk powder. Honey and fruit are yummy toppings.

28.  Freeze-dried fruits

29. Freeze-dried portions of meat

30.  Frozen foods, fruits, and veggies.

31.  Super green juice powder nutrition

32.  Dry and can beans  

33.  Flour add a bay leaf to prevent weevil hatch 1 per bag. You can use a bay leaf in spaghetti and rice as well.

34.  You can freeze cheese and eggs. The cheese will crumble, so you can use it for cooking. The eggs will freeze and keep for a year.

35.  To prepare eggs for freezing. Break them, whisk with a fork and salt, so they do not turn into jelly. Pour into a muffin tray, freeze for a few hours, and store in a freezer bag

36. A surprising survival skill that I learned was how valuable the gift of frogs/toads is to us for survival. You catch them and put them in a freezer bag. When you put them in the freezer, they go into hibernation. (no pain death). Then you can fry the toad legs like chicken legs. I like to give thanks to the animal and God, our creator, for providing us with healthy nutrition so we can continue creating more beauty, truth, and goodness in our world.

37.  Candles with a type of fire starter 

39.  Flashlights and batteries

40.   Solar battery charger

41.   Hand crank/solar charger radio

42.   Emergency Thermal Blankets 

 43.   Always remember if the lights go out, you are never ever alone for God and your Heavenly Support Team are always with you! 😇💗

This list is offered as support for you and your family in creating your own Survival Preparedness Kit.   I feel at peace in my heart when I have some basic survival supplies on hand.  How about you?    I would rather be prepared with the basics and not have to use my kit. The key for me is that the more I trust my vibes, the more I am at peace in all situations. I have come to understand through my personal experience that I am always guided by God's grace and I am never alone. 

What about you?  I would love to hear about your family's survival preparedness list or any ideas that, by trusting your vibes, have inspired you to include in your family preparedness kit!   Please share below so we can help each other.

From our family to yours ~ Sending you Love and Hugs, 😊💞


©️2021 Tracy J Nicholas



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