Why I Changed the Code on the Lock Box of My Heart

Why I Changed the Code on the Lock Box of My Heart.

When you travel to a new place with all the new sensations that the adventure brings one can experience a multitude of feelings. Excitement, wonder, joy, freedom along with a need to learn about the new environment to understand where the best places to travel and where one might want to explore with caution.

Checking the travel advisories like you check the weather advisory. Checking your list to make sure you have what you might need on your journey.   Do you need a raincoat, umbrella or do you need to detour around a particular area for a less eventful passage? As a child, I traveled the world with an air of certainty that God was always my guiding light and compass. My constant go to for help.

My relationship with God and Jesus were my home-base. I came into the world hard-wire with this natural relationship. No one taught it to me. Maybe you have a connection like that yourself with your home-base too or maybe you are...

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